All the listed items are the required items.

In principle, they should be all available for sell. However, there are still unexpected reasons that Seller will need to explain the situation which might influence the sales of selected items.

As a result, if you click on the right button on your mouse after high light an item, there will be a pull-down table for Seller to select Edit Note. Then, a dialog window will open, and seller can express and record what is the situation, and what is expected reaction from buyer. After the Seller clicks on Save button, the counter Buyer will be able to see this message by clicking on the Plus button.

Buyer can click on the right button of mouse after high light this item, and click on View Note the note will be displayed. The Buyer should respond to this note by adjusting the ordered quantity ( if the Buyer wishes to cancel ordering this item, buyer can change the order quantity to zero, and this item will be canceled ).

If there is no need to change the item, Seller can click on the check box in front of each item. Once all the check boxes on the listed items are checked, there will be “ Product All Confirmed ” indicating in the Confirmation Area.