This is for Seller to specify its required terms and condition for completing this order. You can key in the required Terms and Condition. If you want to adapt the Terms & Condition you built previously, you need to click on the Terms & Condition:, and a Common Terms & Condition box will appear.

You should see the Common Terms & Condition which you inputted in Data Management > Company Information ( Can I pre-set my common trading term and condition ? ), and you will see the Common Terms & Conditions templates listed below. You can highlight the one you want to use and click the Apply button, and the content will copy to the Terms & Condition area.

If you want to see the Common Terms & Conditions templates detail, you can click on the View button, and you should be able to see the content displayed on the right side. After you apply the Common Terms & Conditions templates, you can still add additional info into the Terms and Condition by simply typing in the info.

You can also save this newly modified Terms & Conditions as your template by clicking on Preference, and click on Copy. This newly modified Common Terms & Conditions can be used in the future as a template.

If you want to delete any of the Common Terms & Conditions templates, just highlight it and click on Delete, and it will be removed from your Preference.