Message Forward Window :

You can forward received messages in the message list. After completed, you can choose “Save” to save in the Draft or choose “Send” to send out.

If you want to fix another topic, you can change the content in subject area. However, these topics still belong to the same topic group. As for the object you want to forward messages to, you can add from the Contact List or My Contact by dragging people to join in "the participants." Please note that the forwarded message or topic will not be sent with the content that you forward. The system will automatically collect the forwarded massage and the latest-sent message to the same category; thus, they will be collected to the same Topic Group.

You can also re-add tags, attached files, or drag reference items from Chosen Reference Items.

If you want to quote another message content, you must add the content by dragging.

If you want to delete the message has not been sent, you can click Delete to eliminate this record.